
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Nothing Much

It's Saturday afternoon. My hair is wet, it is raining outside, and I'm wearing a red T-shirt and blue shorts.

I'm sort of pretty cold. It's 60 degrees. Haha, I'm so fickle.

I need to clean my room and I still haven't done it. I don't even know where my trash can is. It's probably buried under a mound of clothing. I don't know why I don't want to clean up besides the obvious reason of laziness.

I need to drop at least 20 lbs this summer. I want to learn some self-defense stuff like boxing, kick-boxing, or martial arts to trim the weight off, build muscle, and gain the ability to defend myself.

Deadline: Clean room by tomorrow night.
Deadline: Start travel plans by Wednesday.
Deadline: Have read 100 pages by Wednesday.

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